RAILway stations FOR green and socially inclusive CITIES

Railway stations hold a unique position in the urban landscape: they not only act as complex nodes of mobility and transport, but also as public places that can be seen as integral elements of the city. Consequently, stations have a decisive impact on their urban surroundings as places of everyday life, affecting all stakeholders including citizens and the environment.

Project objectives

The central ambition of RAIL4CITIES is to develop a new operational, readily available and highly applicable model of stations as sustainable city promoters (SCP model), combined with a common European methodology and tool for its effective implementation. The project takes inter-dependent impediments (profit-orientated business model, complex web of agents and stakeholders, policy gaps) into account and provides decision makers with the tools to transform stations into promoters of sustainable cities.

Project structure

Work programme 1: Project Management, FACTUAL

Work programme 2: SCP Model Definition, TUM

Work programme 3: Railways Stations Living Labs, FACTUAL

Work programme 4: SCP Model Consolidation, Evaluation and Guidelines, UPC

Work programme 5: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation, UIC

Facts and figures

  • Project budget: 700 000 €
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Project start date: 01/07/2023 
  • Project end date: 30/06/2025
  • Partners: 14 partners from 7 countries
  • Project coordinator: Factual Consulting SL
  • Work programme: HORIZON-ER-JU-2022
  • Grant agreement: No 101121703

Europe's Rail (logo)

The project is supported by the Europe’s Rail and its members.

Funded by the European Union

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Implementation approach

The model will be applied to 5 living labs addressing the stations’ transformation into hubs of green and active mobility (FR), energy hubs (IT), towards Transit Oriented Development (DE), into a socially-inclusive services hub with using Nature Based Solutions (PL) and services hubs enabling the 15-minute city and circular economy (BE). This will be enhanced by 3 case-studies from the high-speed rail line from Lisbon to Oporto (PT) to study the resilience of infrastructures for both adaptation of spaces to new future uses, and adaptation to climate-change issues and health crises.


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News and events

New Deliverables Unveil Model for Sustainable Railway Stations and Impact Analysis Methodology

Two pivotal deliverables, "Deliverable 2.1: Report on Railway Station Model and SCP Model" and "Deliverable 2.2: Report on Impact Analysis Methodology...

RAIL4CITIES: Transforming Railway Stations for Green and Socially-Inclusive Cities

The RAIL4CITIES project, a collaborative initiative supported by Europe's Rail and its members, is spearheading the sustainable transformation of railway...

RAIL4CITIES was present at the 13th Mazovia Development Forum

The 13th Forum for the Development of Mazovia was held on 14-15 November 2023 in Warsaw, with Dr Agnieszka Łukasiewicz from the Road and Bridge Research...

Rail Live! 2023: RAIL4CITIES presented at the Europe’s Rail stand

From 29 November to 1 December 2023, Europe’s Rail took part in Rail Live! 2023, held in Madrid, Spain, where it welcomed distinguished guests, including...

Rail4Cities represented at the World Passenger Festival in Vienna

On the 5th of October, Takamasa Suzuki, representing the International Union of Railways (UIC), took the stage at the World Passenger Festival in Vienna...

RAIL4CITIES at the UIC Stations Days in Paris

The RAIL4CITIES project took center stage on the 20th of September in Paris, during the UIC Stations Days, with a presentation by Alice Lunardon from...

Official launch of the European Research Project RAIL4CITIES, 11-12 July 2023, Barcelona

FACTUAL, coordinator of RAIL4CITIES, officially launched the project today in presence of the Members of the Consortium (TUM, CIMNE-CERCA, BABLE, UIC,...



Work PackageDeliverable numberDeliverable nameLead partnerDelivery dateDissemination level
11.1RAIL4CITIES Project HandbookFACTUALM03Sensitive
11.2Data management planFACTUALM06/M24Sensitive
11.3Innovation reportTUMM24Public
22.1Report on railway station model and SCP modelTUMM06Public
22.2Report on impact analysis methodology setupUPCM08Public
33.1Methodology and guideline for living labsBABLEM06Sensitive
33.2Living labs operation reportFACTUALM18Sensitive
33.3Report on open contest and living labs impact analysisUPCM18Sensitive
44.1EU-wide SCP methodologyTUMM24Public
44.2Consolidated impact analysis toolUPCM24Public
55.1Intermediate dissemination, communication and exploitation planUICM06Sensitive
55.2Report on communication and exploitation activities, sustainability conceptUICM24Sensitive


With 14 partners from 7 European countries, further supported by 9 institutions through letters of support, the RAIL4CITIES consortium and ecosystem integrates the relevant stakeholders from universities, industry, government and the public, and is therefore in the position to design, evaluate and publish a EUwide model for transforming existing stations or designing new ones into socio-technical systems operating as city’s greening engines for the surrounding environment, and new urban hubs aggregating multiple services for the users and its citizens.

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